The Monster and the Divine

I WAS in the dressing room. Surgeons spend a lot of time in the dressing room. It is where the drama spills over from the operation theatre. Outside the merciful orbit of the anaesthesiologists, here you can hear painful cries and anguished weeping. It is also the room of reckoning. Here the unhealed wounds and […]

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The Important Thing.

I was not at my most confident when I faced Dr PK Mohanan, or PKM as he was commonly called, in his room. Four of us had been posted to his unit for three months. ‘Any future surgeons amongst the lot?’ he asked. I hesitated. As a student, whenever I voiced my preference, the surgeons […]

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It was a persistent itch. I scratched my cheek as I walked slowly to the Pathology lab. I hadn’t shaved for the last three days and, already, advanced stubble had appeared. My face was not used to this. I usually had a shaved, clean, and glowing countenance. Medical school was not good for me, I […]

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A Handsome Gift:

It was the first half of the 20 century. Joseph Murray, a plastic surgeon, had just returned from the World War II. Back in Boston, he overheard some of his colleagues in general and vascular surgery talking about organ transplantation. Was it possible to transfer organs from one person to another? A human had two […]

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